Saturday, April 29, 2006

IC BONS Order, Spring 06


WRITERS: Remember to bring a copy of your script for the light booth, as well as sufficient copies for your actors.

To be performed May 5, 2006

1. “It's Fun to Trick When the Tricks are Treats,” by Katy Baggs
2. “Farewell Letter,” by Evan Schenck
3. “E,” by Brian Lenth
4. “Fuck You, Michael Tabor,” by Dick Roberts
5. “Drunk Dial,” by Eric Landuyt
6. “Religion of Fish,” by Bobby Evers
7. “Adventures at Lenscrafters,” by Jonathan Shelton
8. “I Will Date You on the Internet: Week 1,” by Adam Hahn
9. “Mad Club,” by Eli Wilkinson
10. “Donald’s Lonely Lunchbox, Part Intermission: Comedic Relief for the SpongeBob Crowd,” by Cool Jesse and Patrick Swayze
11. “So Jealous About It,” by Sadie Smith
12. “Guadalupe Goes to the Airport,” by Aprille Clarke
12.5 “Hilarious Prank,” by Lilly Richard
13. “Endless Bummer,” by Tim Busse
14. “Bears,” by Flabbergasted Jakers
15. “High Tea with Bill Murray,” by Alyssa Bowman
16. “I Think This Might Be The Scariest Thing I've Ever Done,” by Zwephany Dell and Patrick Ashcraft
17. “Carebears Live in Carealot,” by Matt Benyo
18. “Dead Geoff,” by Sean Shatto

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Spring 2006 BONS nominations

What do you dream of seeing again? It's looking like the board is going to meet Friday afternoon, so you have all week to make nominations/bribes. I hear Jamal likes hummus.

ALSO, I would like to remind you that you can see all of this semester's orders here, if that helps refresh your memory. Dead week of fall semester is eligible too.

IC Order, 4/21/06

Chubsy Chub Theatre, 4/21/06

There were some announcements, which Adam has. To the best of my memory:

  • There are several theatrical events going on soon, including the New Play Festival and Cabaret. For Cabaret details, see
  • Yes, Shame happens every other week at City High. There is no show this coming Tuesday, but the one after that there is.
  • No Shame will be performing at Riverfest at two different times. See previous post on this blog for details.
  • Eric Landuyt has a PATV show you might enjoy.
  • Next week is Dead Week, which means pieces performed next week will not be eligible for the semester's Best Of. We will announce the Best Of order next week. PLEASE POST YOUR NOMINATIONS (I'll make a post that you can comment on with your nominations).
  • Aprille is retiring from No Shame after this season, which makes next week her last non-BONS show. If you are so inclined, she would feel happy if you'd cast her in your piece.
1. "The Return to Pants Manor II: The Hauntening," by Jonathan Shelton (Man finds love with ill-fated tent)
2. "I Don't Know," by Eric Landuyt (A capella musical performance)
3. "Improper Flag Use by Bobby Evers," by Bobby Evers (Bobby don't know crap about American flag etiquette)
3.5. "From the Archives, 2003: Compromised Condiments," by Aprille Clarke (Man passes off laundry detergent for cheese)
4. "You Were a Falling Star, But You Didn't Fall for Very Long," a song by Dillion Sunshine (Patrick, in a funny beard, plays power bass and sings us a song)
5. "Not a Real Comic Book," by Evan Schenck (Does Jesus count as a superhero?)
6. "She Never Really Did Love Me, OR Basket Full of Easter Eggs," by Patrick Ashcraft (Hector solves his love problems through violence)
7. "Possible a Rhythm," by Cool Jesse (poetry performance)
8. "A Modest Proposal," by Mortimer Snert (who's stalking whom?? Who's suiciding whom??)
9. "Old School Christianity Today, OR Why the Fight to End Poverty is Going Nowhere," by Eli Wilkinson (Christians are jerks who are mean to starving Africans)
10. "A Feminist Deconstruction of Golf," by Dick Roberts (a treatise on the phallocentric nature of golf)
10.5. "From the Archives, 2003: Dangerously Close," by Aprille Clarke (Woman hates racism, eating fingernails)
11. "Everybody Is Gay for Someone," by Nick May (Nick comes out, selectively, romatically)
12. "Endless Bummer," by Tim Busse (Tim recounts his fellow rehabbers' letters to their drugs of choice)
13. "The Tragic Tale of Haystack Calhoun and Dirty Slug McGee," by Eric Landuyt (An old-timey tale of sheep-flipping and Mexican-hating)
13.5. "A Hilarious Prank," by Lilly Richard ("Wait for it...wait for it..." but it's not what we thought!)
14. "Ecuse to Be Loud at You," by Sean Shatto (Noise art in the dark)
15. "Time Goes By So Slowly," by Aprille Clarke (Woman unknowingly does it with an 8-year-old)
15.5. "Jenga! Jenga! Jenga! Jenga!" by Katy Baggs (A loss at Jenga cuts Katy deeply)
16. "Battory Overpass," by Adam Hahn (a discarded car battery sparks a string of troubles for our narrator)
17. "Teapot Bob," by the Touchdowns (musical performance featuring drum, ukelele, banjo, and trombone)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Riverfest April 29th

We have now filled up the 10:15 slot! (The Michael Tabor (or some other musical thing, if the Shat can't do it), Jake, Hahn, Lumo, Jamal, Eli). Thanks, everybody.

Hey, everybody, this is just a reminder that No Shame Theatre will performing at Riverfest on April 29th. We have two half hour slots:




Right now, the 5:15 slot is filled up (Shelton, Eli, Hahn, Jake, The Michael Tabors (or some other musical thing, if the Shat can't do it), Lumo). I originally thought only five pieces, but a lot of people wanted to do things, and a few of these things are pretty short, so six should be good.

We also have now recently filled up the 10:15 slot! (The Michael Tabor (or some other musical thing, if the Shat can't do it), Jake, Hahn, Lumo, Jamal, Eli)

IF you don't perform, you can come watch. It'll be fun!

Monday, April 17, 2006

IC Order 4-14

So I guess the tornado damage inspired everyone to write about suicide.

1. "Bugle Boy Jake" by Michael, Jamal, & Jake (song without bugle)

2. "The Easter Special" by Mortimer Snert (scene: man professes divinity, invites worship)

3. "Get Happy" by Eric Landuyt (suicidal man tries to get hotline help)

4. "Tornado Song (too soon)" by Sean Shatto (improvised song about the tornado)

5. "One-Man Intervention" by Patrick Ashcraft (monologue: man professes sadness to his friends)

6. "Ha-Cha-Cha-Cha-Cha-Cha Lady" by The Lyrics Were Totally Written by Brian Lenth (song with ukulele)

7. "From the Archives, 2003: Richard Ramirez" (AC has a boner for Richard Ramirez)

8. "Your Friend/How Many Things" (monologue/poem on acting like a friend, authenticity)

9. "DC. Al Coda" by Tim Sitzmann (scene: man rejects girlfriend through a locked door after her suicide)

10. "Jake Makes You Laugh" by Michael, Jamal, & Jake (monologue on crows, people buying things, your wife)

11. "Questions from a Real Sex Ed Website with Fake Answers" by Aprille Clarke

12. "It Feels Good to Have a Nice Cry (Doesn't It Jake)" by Brian Lenth (song, while tormenting Jake)

13. "Monologue for Dan Bern" (recovering from depression, favorite musician, tattoo)

14. "How to Try in Business Without Really Succeeding" by Tim Busse (repeated monologue on business ownership, a disturbing injury)

Sunday, April 09, 2006

IC Order 4/7/06

Iowa City order, 4/7/06

1. "Tender Young Age," by Robert LaCross and Danielle Santangelo (Little Robert gets his finger comforted sex-style by mommy)
2. "Stop Being Sad or I'll Beat You Up," by King Sophie (guitar song about a sad alien)
3. "A Piece for Eli," by Dick Roberts (Eli chooses prospective colleges based on funny names)
3.5. "From the Archives, 2002: Mean Lady Stage Cross #1," by Aprille Clarke (Woman wants to hurt a salesman)
4. "Carrie's Father," by Adam Hahn (monologue about a dying man and the narrator's relationship with his daughter)
5. "Long Story," by Evan Schenck (How'd those human heads get in Evan's backpack?)
6. "Act II, Scene 7 of Whatever I Title It (OR It's a Writer's Forum, so Suck It!" by Eli Wilkinson (I'm sorry, I don't remember. It helps to have a title that somehow relates to your piece, people!)
6.5. "From the Archives, 2002: Mean Lady Stage Cross #2," by Aprille Clarke (Lady puts razor blades in cheesecake)
7. "CareBears Live in Care-a-Lot," by Matt Benyo (the true story of the misunderstood love of Christopher Robin and Pooh, which ends in tragedy)
8. "Thanksgiving 2000," by Adam Hahn (a man's plan to get love by trapping himself and a lady in a Y2K shelter ends up crappy)
9. "Four Instant Cures for Depression: Beer, 'A' Raisin in the Sun, Twister, and No Gays," by Patrick Ashcraft III" (Patrick and Mecial speculate on different ways to escape from their ennui)
10. "Hot Stone Hypnotherapy," by Aprille Clarke (A guy helps a lady find her past lives, and she's not who she thought she was)
11. "Vampire," by Eric Landuyt (First-person account of what it feels like to be a vampire and how he relates to his victims)
11.5. "From the Archives, 2002: Mean Lady Stage Cross #3," by Aprille Clarke (Little girl loses her teeth. Was it from the candy??)
12. "Questionable Taste," by Jon Shelton (Jon and Eli have an ambiguous exchange centered around Skittles)
13. "Alligators in the Sewers!" by The Return of Sid Glissen (Patrick squats on a table and performs a poem about alligators)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

3-31 Adam Hahn Theatre Order

1. "Someone Find Me a Fiddle" by Jon "Papa" Shelton (a cappella song with sword)
2. "I Wrote This Because Patrick and I Have the Same Shirts" (silent scene: matching shirts mean group identity, unity against others)
3. "Love-Hate Relationship" by Tim Busse (one guy plays three guys discussing hatred)
4. "Session w/Dr. Hartley and Friends!" (scene: Patrick has sex problems, an excellent therapist)
5. "Blah! Blah! Blah!" By Cool Jesse "The Fuck" Blaine (Jesse's piece so he could smoke during the show)
6. "Old School Comedy" by Eli Wilkinson (scene: confusion over "Bob's Your Uncle")
7. "Sin's Requiem #6" by Jonathan Shelton (musical performance with backwards recording and the threat of percussion)
8. "Religion of Fish" by Bobby Evers (monologue: fish hate God ever since He withdrew His flood)
9. "For What Porpoise?" by Nick May (scene: feelings on the porpoise)
10. "Drunk Dial" by Eric Landuyt (scene: Eric fails to help drunk stranger. What if stranger was Jesus?)
11. "Random Writing Exercises" by Elizabethan Wilks (scene: two men, narrated by their thoughts)
12. "Deep Blue Sea and Danny" by Adam Hahn (monologue: events, emotions brought up, held in during a trip to the mall to see "Deep Blue Sea")
13. "I Love All the Precious Forest Creatures" by Katy Baggs (Katy destroys mythical forest creatures for her collection)