Monday, December 12, 2005

IC BONS photos

Mesch-Mesch has posted photos from BONS. They're nice.

Enjoy them here.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Official Roanoke NS Order for 12.02.05

This was a HUGE night. We almost packed the house and the energy was amazing!

Order Up!

1) The Sexy Bitches, UNTITLED, scene, performed by the troupe ("and remember kids: only stupid bitches wear fur coats")

2) Adrien Monti, THE PSYCH WARD, memoir, performed by the author(Peter suffers from borderline personality disorder and consults with Adrien before before throwing chairs)

3) Dwayne Yancey, THE HUNTING ACCIDENT, monologue, performed by Todd Ristau (Todd discovers hunting isn't the only thing he and his hunting buddy have been doing together)

4) Nelson Oliver, RESOLUTIONS, illusion, performed by the illusionist and members of the audience (Nelson predicts the New Years resolutions of 3 audience members)

5) Jared Reisenberg, THE RE-EMERGENCE OF ANTI-SEMITISM PART 2, essay,
performed by the author (Jared continues his memoir of encounters with anti-semitism)

6) Sonny Campbell, MY UNCLE, song, performed by the author (Sonny sings a song about his "uncle," the bully)

7) Christina Smith, YOU, poem, performed by the author (Christina expresses her desire for safety through spoken word)

8) Amy Alls, I'M YOUR MAN, monologue, performed by BLUE (Blue is scum. Blue is an idiot. But he's just so damned good at it.)

9) Connie Sellers, DESERT LANDSCAPE, song, performed by the author with harmonica (Connie sings of his fondness for the desert)

10)Brill, BALLS, scene, performed by the author and Steven Breeding ("Balls,indeed.")

11)Daniel McBroom, STOMPING GROUND, song, performed by the author(Daniel dreams of everyone in his life at a bonfire drum circle huge party type thing and writes a song about it)

12)Tilly, THE INTERVIEW, scene, performed by the author, Christina Smith, Laura Scott and Robert Smith (A man waits for a job interview while trying very hard to read his book and converse with a woman in the waiting room)

13)Blake Lipscomb, THE TOILET SEAT SAGA, scene, performed by the author, Simon Adkins, John Brill and Bruce Mahin (A man's every move in his bathroom is dictated by what's going on on television)

14)MV, COLD HEARTLESS, poem, performed by the author (Mike doesn't cry at funerals)

15)Archie Levine, A PAGAN SYMBOL BY ANY OTHER NAME, performed by Todd
Ristau (Archie says, "Please stop fighting about stupid things and start living like Christ came here to convince you to live. With kindness, generosity, humility and forgiveness." He said a lot of other stuff too that was equally important. But that about sums up his response to the "Holiday Tree" versus "Christmas Tree" debate.)


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Hobbled-together Order, 12/2

Thanks to everyone who contributed to piecing this together (Tim especially).

1. shelton's pants mansion piece
(Shelton inherits one peanut butter twix, but must spend the night in a haunted pants mansion)

2. patrick singing a song, Sadie thought for her but it was actually for Shelton who Patrick kissed

3. Eric's monolouge about a girl, possibly a theme of continual rejection

4. Timm Sitzmann "Nothing Special (A couple fights with interjecting quips from a third figure)

5. Dori - talking about her job as a dominatrix

6. Adam Hahn - "Three Beer Commercials You Will Never See on American Television" (threesome, suicide, vomit)

7. John Leigh - "Clone Love"?

8. Aprille's piece where she ate an omelette from her own egg

9. "Gustav & George" a scene from 2034 by Greg Machlin

10. Sean Shatto got our help doing a crossword.

11. Evan Schenck did his piece about overthrowing the No Shame board. Stage 5: Dragons!

12. Dirty 60 - "David Ogden Stires"

13. Cool Jesse - "Jesse Blaine is not here!"

Sunday, December 04, 2005

IC BONS Order Fall 2005

IC BONS (aka BOBB) Order for Fall 2005

First a few details: writers, remember to bring sufficient copies of your script for you, your actors, and the light booth. You don't need to show up as early as usual, since we don't need to assemble an order, but please give your light booth copy to the board member who is collecting them. And remember to invite a lot of friends--we count on BONS as a money-maker for the year. You don't want us to be evicted, do you? We'll be in Theatre B, which is really fun to play in when it's packed full, so please do your part.

On to the order... I apologize if these titles aren't exactly right; I'm doing this from memory since Jamal and Alyssa have the official order to use for making programs.

1. “How to Make Milkshake Machine Run,” by Jonathan Shelton
2. “Parasites! Ouch!” by Bobby Evers
3. “Seven Minutes in Heaven,” by Patrick Ashcraft
4. “Elbows, or Yellbows,” by Sean Shatto
5. "Pac Man Fever," by Evan Schenk
5.5 “Halloween Spooktacular,” by King Sophie
6. "Exercise in Politeness: Penultimate Movement" by Alisa Rosenthal
7. “We Are Anarchists,” by Eli Wilkinson
8. “Marianne, or How I Spent my Summer Vacation,” by Adam Hahn
9. “Turn a Frown Upside Down,” by Danielle Santangelo
10. A song from Just Another Shark by Steve Hiro
11. "Distance and Overexposure" by Cool Jesse Hates You and YOUR MOM
12. “Ouch, Stop it, Please,” by Sadie Smith
13. “Ball Cap Follies,” by Bernice Wells Carlson
13.5 “Popping the Question,” by Katy Baggs
14. “Keep Your Friends Close and Your Friends Far, Far Away,” by Timm Sitzmann
15. “What’s Your Favorite Planet?” by Aprille Clarke
16. “In Your Town,” a song by the Michael Tabors