Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hey all you peoples! The time has come for YOU to tell us what pieces you liked and would like to see again in this semester's Best of No Shame! Just go through the Orders from this semester and Dead week of last semester and vote for your favorites!

*Note. Please try to nominate a full order (over ten pieces). This helps us whittle down the fan faves and doesn't put the load on the Board to come up with the order with only a handful of pieces nominated.

No Shame Iowa City 4-23-2010

Hey! We had a nice full order filled with many fun pieces. They all went down as follows:

1) Dog President -by David and Gregory
2) Ca-tho-lic The Prayer Game -by The Pseudo Saint
3) Gwoomtiggle's New Home- by Gwoomtiggle, the Harsh Reality of Nature and You
4) Cookies -by Taylor Cook
4.5) Grandpa Jackson -by A Rural Iowan
5) An Educational Skit about Eugene O'Neill -by Penny
6) An Imagined Collaboration Between Spencer Abbe and Dr. Mondo Buttplug -by Asher Stuhlman
7) Cuddle Monster -by Captain Falcon and the Gang
8) Daily Trivialities Presented Under the Guise of a Rather One-Sided Conversation -by David Philips
9) 201 -by Mohammed
10) A New Beginning -by Eli Wilkinson
11) Mama's Boys' Mamas -by Calvin
12) Breaking All of the Rules -by A Theresa
13) Eric Shares a Mildly Amusing Anecdote -by Eric
14) An Epic Tale of Magic & Romance -by Dr. Mondo Buttplug
15) Luke and Eric Do the Random Line Improv -by Eric and Luke

I will also post this in the Comments section down below.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

No Shame Iowa City 4-16-2010

We had a show. It was a bit short but there were some good pieces and much fun was had by all. Order in the comments.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

No Shame Iowa City 4-9-10

We had a show! Back in our home, Theatre B. Order in the comments.


Saturday, April 03, 2010

No Shame Iowa City 4-2-10

Yeah! Rock and roll!

Yeah! Order in the comments! Rock and rolllll!

Yeeeaah jazzzz!