Monday, May 10, 2010

No Shame Iowa City Best Of Spring '10 on Youtube

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Best of No Shame! Spring 2010 Order

Here is the Order for Best of No Shame Spring 2010. Please if you made the list and are not able to attend please let a Board member know ASAP! And now the Order:

1) Your Productive Future -by Luke and Alaynna
2) Fuck Your Mother in the Ass Volume 9 -by Lord Sir Chips Simon, Esquire
3) Gamera in Gomorrah -by James S. Roth
4) Dear Iowa City City Council -by Evn Sknk
5) Freeze Frame -by the Triple B's
6) Song Name and Lyrics Changed for Copyright Reasons OR Because it's Dead Week and we think we can get away with it -by Your Favorite Band
7) Another Tall Tale -by Spencer Abbe
8) Corey Julian's Workout -by Corey Julian
8.5) That Damned Alphabet Part A -by Noah S. Brown
9) Man and Woman -by Penny
10) Take Note -by Morgan Miller
11) Danny Part 2 -by Mirri
12) David and Gregory are Best Friends -by David and Gregory
13) Taken for a Fool -by Eli Wilkinson
14) Recollecetions of Loves Past -by Dr. Mondo Buttplug
15) Rock and Roll Pizza -by Katy Baggs
16) This is my Brain on Drugs -Kyle Ford (can't make it to the show)

That the order! The show will be on May 7th in Mabie Theatre. It costs $3 but we swear it will be three times better than a normal show. Actors/ Writers please bring your scripts in for the lights by 10:30. The show will start at 11pm SHARP.


Iowa City 4/30/10 Dead Week

We had one hell of a show last night. I would go so far as to call it special. We laughed, we cried, and we said our goodbyes. (Well those of us who are leaving) That being said, here is the order:

1 & 2) Two Songs -by Your Favorite Band
3) The Sins of Mr. Mayhue -by Kaz
3.5) A Friendly Reminder -by Calvin
4) The Good Word -by Dylan C.
5) Three People are Talking at the Same Time -by Asher Stuhlman, Spencer Abbe, and Morgan Miller
6) Dear No Shame -A. Theresa
7) Things I Have Observed -by Penny
8) The Brothers Awesome -by Spencer Abbe
9) Theme to the Buttercream Gang -by the Ghost of Michael Tabor (Who, incidentally has never seen the Buttercream Gang)
9.5) The Hottest Thing Ever Imagined -by Calvin
10) I Need You -by Eric Landuyt
11) An Entirely Unoriginal Piece -by the First Player
12) A Rant about What it means to Live with Schizophrenia -by David Rout
12.5) Wile E. Astronomy -by Katy Baggs
13) Sky Patrol Episode IV: The Season Finale -by Sky Patrol
14) Poems My Friend Wrote Whilst in an Altered State -Read by Jordi
15) Ode to Cody 2 -by Eli Wilkinson
16) From All of Us -by Luke Christensen

I will post these in the comments as well. See you all at Best Of! Next Week!
