Thursday, September 29, 2005

Upcoming Events

A weak thing about this board is the inability for most people to start new topics. I'm not sure the best way to address that (I'm thinking maybe some kind of generic login/pw that people could share? That's super-insecure, though, so I don't know), but in the short term, I'm starting a new topic to highlight this weekend's events so announcements like Danielle's don't get lost at the bottom of a long set of comments:


The Undergraduate Director's Festival is this weekend! In Theatre A! This Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night @8pm and Sunday at 2pm!

Starring people like Alisa Rosenthal, Seth Owens, Eli Wilkinson, Alex Suha (one of the Bean Bag Guys) and David Blum (of PBR fame)!!!

The Plays:

Variations on the Death of Trotsky
directed by danielle santangelo
Long Ago and Far Away
directed by shanda wells
Foreplay: Or the Art of the Fugue
directed by vince brown
Tom & Jerry
directed by heather bodie

You should totally go and bring your pretttiest lamb.


Also, the City Circle Theatre New Play Festival is this weekend!

It features the writing and/or acting of such No Shamies and No Shame alumni as Adam Hahn, Aprille Clarke, Chris Okiishi, and Adam Burton.

Where: City Circle Theatre studio space (see map for directions; it's kind of hard to find due to construction.

When: This Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.; this Sunday at 2:30 p.m.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Unofficial Order 9/23/05

I don't have the official order, so this is just a half-assed recap based on my memory for the purpose of sparking discussion. Please feel free to correct me and/or post a real order if you have the means.

EDITED TO ADD: Thanks for all the help, everybody. Also, feel free to actually discuss the pieces.

1. Jonathan Shelton talks about the absurdity of Archie comics.

2. "several terrible puns in sucsession" by Mirri (Mirri's puns and eating Pat Sajak)

2.5 . "It's Apple Time," by Aprille Clarke (Aprille and Sadie eat apples nourished by a forgotten baby)

3. "It Is Not Ever Who You Think That It Will Be" by King Sophie (smallest man in the world is actually a pop tart... so what's in the toaster?)

4. Timm Sitzmann talks about the living room orgy in Argentina

5. Seth's piece about the offensive Christian Scrabble game

6. Sadie's piece--drooling on Patrick's stomach

7. "Five More Minutes," by Danielle Santangelo (Danielle and Seth trade short lines back and forth (I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming))

8. "Anachronism" by the Dread Pirate Evan Schenck (a guy double majored in Piracy and Women's Studies)

9. "How to Make Penguins Even Cuter Than They Already Are" by Ryan

10. "Gomez Anew" by John Leigh (Aprille and Beth (mom) argue morals)

11. "Bully Beans" by Bernice Wells Carlson (a bully wanting lunch money, being chased by dogs)

12. "Fun with Felons," by Katy Baggs (Katy tells us about a program in which she has taken a felon under her wing; felon turns out scary and dangerous)

13. Louie: The robot sings love song to mom

14. "Exercise in Politeness: Penultimate Movement" by Alisa Rosenthal (man gets a haircut by a speechlessly sad woman; towel, scissors, electric razor)

15. Patrick's piece about dropping the cell phone into the poo

16. "Eli's Coming and going Straight to Hell," by Eli Wilkinson (Eli masturbates with tears, ejaculates, wipes up semen with a Bible. He also may or may not have AIDS.)

16.5 Timm does a .5 about seeing the beautiful woman out the window, gets rejected

17. "Twenty-Minute Macbeth, Act III" by William Shakespeare, Special Edition Director's Commentary by Adam Hahn

Please post comments and reviews, and flesh out the order if you can. I know I'm missing a couple.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Upcoming show locations

This is from David McGraw, stage manager of the Theatre Department:

9/23 - Theatre A
9/30 - Theatre A
10/07 - Theatre A
10/14 - Theatre A (might need to switch to Theatre B if the stage deck of
Theatre A is not safe)
10/21 - Theatre A (might need to switch to Theatre B if the stage deck of
Theatre A is not safe)
10/28 - Theatre B

I asked him about getting access to the light booth, but he didn't address that question, so I asked it again. We shall see.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hurricane Katrina donation from 9/16 fundraising

Thanks for everyone's generous contributions last week. We raised $293 dollars for Hurricane Katrina relief, and we decided to kick in an extra seven bucks to make it an even $300. Thanks to the generosity of Michael Tabor's workplace, which matches all contributions made by employees, the total contribution will be $600.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Big Butt (No Shame) Theatre, 9/16/05

Big Butt Theatre, 9/16/05

Performed in David Thayer Theatre

  • Don't mess up the pretty blue stage stuff.
  • Yes Shame Theatre is back! Tuesday night at 8 (7:30 to get in the order) at City High. All are welcome.
  • Danielle raised about $130 for hurricane relief last week. Thanks.
  • Thanks to donations at the door tonight, we got an additional $276 for hurricane relief. Very thanks.
1. "Mao, Mao, Mao," by the Michael Tabors (musical performance)
2. "Seven Minutes in Heaven," by Patrick Ashcraft (monologue about boob-touching)
3. "Do Not Question the Depth of My Affection," by Evan Schenk (monologue: he loves her a lot)
4. "No Signal: A Brilliant Inaugural Novel," by Theobald Q. Rosenthal (sketch about Theobald goes to a weird motel with a weird staff, writes a novel, is an elephant)
5. "Bot 3000x" by G-Monkey Louis (Household chores robot turns to mom-sexing)
6. "Mathman Confessionals: Vol 2," by Jon Mentalo Roberts (monologue: spitballs and lupus)
7. "See-Through Mask," by Danielle Santangelo (Danielle's character has a mentally ill father and talks to a bag-headed "stranger" about it)
8. "The Immobility of Things," by John Leigh (the next installment in the Chile chronicles; Aprille breaks up with Denny and talks to Gomez on the phone)
9. "We're the Coolest Kids Ever!" by MC Rzlberry & the Hip Hop Kids (mean making fun of previous weeks' pieces)
10. "Parasites! Ouch!" by Bobby Evers (Bobby has a parasite, parasite has a host, other parasite finds host, fun and friendship ensue)
11. "My Girlfriend Stabbed My Cat," by Eric Landuyt (Guy makes sexist remark and his girlfriend stabs his cat. Homeless man listens.)
12. "The Call," by Kevin "Triscuit" Burke (monologue)
12.5. "Whales!" by real whales and Tom (guys make whale noises with growing tension)
13. "Actual Questions from a Sex-Ed Website with Hilarious Answers," by Aprille Clarke and contributors to that website (Aprille reads terrible questions and gives terrible answers)
14. "Adventures with Dori & Greg: Today's Episode: Dori & Greg Get Ready fro Bed," by Machlin/Wisoff (man and woman engage in gross and hilarious pre-bed rituals)
15. "Masturbatory Skit for Our Friends to Laugh At & You to be Confused By," by Know No Supertonic Triads (people eat, drink, play violin, dance, decide what movie to watch)
16. "Twenty-Minute Macbeth, Act II," by Willian Shakespeare and Adam Hahn (King is stabbed, birthday cake is consumed, stabbing is discovered)
16.5. "Ball Cap Follies," by Bernice Wells Carlson (a guy's hat won't get the right size. Also, bad color and itchy)
17. "A Bunch of Skribbles," by Timm Sitzmann (an argument about the point of things, or lack thereof, then some metatheatrical discussion)

Friday, September 16, 2005

Was NST in the 80 Hours calendar this week?

I have trouble with getting NST (aka BBT) listed in the 80 Hours Calendar of Events. Before the start of the season, I emailed them the information and asked it to be included every week until the end of the semester.

The first Thursday after I sent it, our announcement was included. "Score!" I said to myself.

However, the following week (last week), it wasn't in. I emailed again and asked them to please reprint the announcement every week.

I didn't get a chance to see the DI yesterday; does anybody know if my plea was effective?

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Big Butt Theatre Order 9/9/05 complete with typos and mispelings!


Donate money to help people from the hurricane. Danielle passed around a bucket.
The Michael Tabors are playing on 9/10 at 7:00ish at Uptown Bill's (401 S Gilbert)
I think that was it? Post a comment if not!

RULES of Big Butt Theatre:

1) All pieces must be original
2) All pieces must be under five minutes
3) Performers must not harm the space or its occupants
4) You must have a big butt.

Here is the order for Big Butt Theatre on 9/9/05:

1) Business, internet, business! by Timm Sitzmann (Tim gives a presentation with a cacamame business scheme)

2 - performed 3rd) Dos Amigos go to Lunch by Theresa Resimer and Carla Gonzalez (two white girls are having lunch and talking about going to Panchero's, but then one turns out to not be white)

3 - performed 2nd) No Excuse by The King of Modesty (KOM meets a gay man on KOM sneaks him into the house. Perhaps there were mishaps or hyjinks and a lesson learned, but we don't know, because his piece got cut off because it was LONGER than five minutes. Also, KOM did not have a very big butt.)

3.5) My life in a nutshell by Jon Shelton (Oh, no! Somebody put a taco in that guys chalupa!)

4) No Transition by Jacob Zana (beat poetry)

5) Urine Nazi by Evan Schench (a guy is peeing on a wall, but a girl wants her boyfriend (a different guy) to have sex with him against that wall. the peeing guy teaching them something about their relashionship)

6) Me, Myself and The List Goes On and On and On... by Tall Dave (Dave tries to give a monologue, but his other personalities(?) keep taking over)

7) Twenty-Minute Macbeth, Act I by William Shakespeare adapted for the stage by Adam Hahn (Act I of Shakespeare in EXACTLY five minutes...adapted for the stage, because it was unsuitable for stage before this)

8) Zombies by The Michael Tabors (a song about a cat)

9) I Like Skeletons and my Nams is Eli Wilkinson by Patrick Ashcraft (some dude and his friends do not like sex in graveyards, but then the dude's friends do like it, so the dude is confused, but then he does it)

10) Aprille in a Taxi by John Leigh (having just flown home from Chile, Aprille talks to a cabbie while he drives her home from the airport)

11) What's Your Favorite Planet? by Aprille Clarke (Aprille convinces celebrities that EARTH is the best planet!)

12) An Attempt at social Commentary by Eric Landuyt (Eric thinks people should touch more often)

13) From Just Another White Shark: Chrissie Watkins by Stephen Hiro (a song on a giant mandolin about a girl and a shark)

14) Slumbering Beneath Your Father's Angst by Cool Jesse (girls and boys...they can't get along...Jesse tells us about an example while people on stage are acting it out)

14.5) But, Grandpa! (Butt Grandpa!) by Bernice Wells Carlson (a little girl tries to get her grandfather to help her with math...with hilarious results!)

15) It's never who ya think it is by Eli Wilkinson (Amish gangsters make Eli do things...they don't like George W.)

16) Marlene by Alisa Rosenthal (a girl goes to jail and another girl in there want to sex her up and they have a chopped off penis)

17) Trustlessly by Louis Slavan (superheros take 5 minutes to decide to do something and then get the lights shut off on them before they get to do it)

That's it! Comments or reviews? Make a comment to this post!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Iowa City Order, 9/2/05


1. "Get Your Jug," by the Michael Tabors (Musical performance featuring Jamal, Michael Tabor, and Sean Shatto)

2. "A Sincere and Heartfelt Monologue about My Feelings and NOT My Penis," by Jonathan Shelton (Shelton keeps trying to get around to not talking about his penis, but never quite makes it)

2.5. "Gross Things #1" by Mirri. (Mirri drinks clam juice)

3. "I Now Have the Right to Judge Everyone," by Evan Schenck (Dialogue between Evan and a violent, misogynistic God)

4. Sadie's piece (sorry, the order got messed up and I don't have the title, but it was the one where Michael Tabor had a bucket and a bag on his head, and Sadie fed him watermelon)

5. "In the Date World, Prunes Are King," by Alisa Rosenthal (Alisa and Adam are on what appears to be a blind date, but it turns out to be much awkarder)

5.5. "Gross Things #2," by Mirri (Mirri eats sardines)

6. "Aprille Out of Chile," by John Leigh (Aprille dictates a letter to Gómez, her lost Chilean love)

7. "Going to Hell," by Eli Wilkinson (Eli is a jerk of a doctor who is mean)

8. "My Friend Jennifer Connelly," by Patrick Ashcraft (Patrick tells us about his great friendship with Jennifer Connelly, with whom he attended camp)

8.5. "Gross Things #3," by Mirri (Mirri eats nutmeg in clam juice)

9. "Living and Dressing as Someone Else," by Cool Jesse (Jesse and many others read poetry/prose, sometimes simultaneously and sometimes Jesse by himself. Themes of summertime and abandonment)

10. "D-I-V-O-R-C-E-Whee!" by Bobby Evers (Katy, Bobby's mother, informs him that her divorce from his father is entirely his fault)

11. "Marianne or: How I Spend My Summer Vacation," by Adam Hahn (Adam recounts a tale of his killing spree-road trip with the oft-married Marianne)

11.5. "Gross Things #4," by Mirri (Mirri drinks evaporated milk)

12. From Just Another Shark: "Amity," by Stephen Hiro (a man best known as Stev-0 performs a song on a mandoline (?) and sings--themes of shark attacks and lost love)

13. "Vikings Sketch, or Rape Is Funny," by Eric Landuyt (Vikings pillage a man's house, and discover that his wife, like all women--according to the piece--longs to be raped due to the inadequacies of her husband)

14. "My Little Brother and I Meet a Biceratops," by Aprille Clarke (Aprille recounts various memories of her brother, culminating with a ball-cutting trip to the State Fair)

14.5 "Gross Things #5" by Mirri (Mirri eats catfood, then makes out with Jonathan Shelton)

15. "Keep Your Friends Close and Friends Far, Far Away," by Tim Sitzmann (A man discovers Bigfoot, almost loses his wife and best friend to Bigfoot's coolness, but then exposes that it's not really Bigfoot)

16. "The Hat Shop," by Bernice Wells Carlson (Michael Tabor, a hat shop patron, and Jamal, a hat shop employee, attempt a business interaction to little avail)

Good show, good audience, good times. Post your thoughts and reviews as a comment on this entry!