Saturday, September 26, 2009

No Shame Iowa City 9/25/09

Thanks for audience and performers for a great show! Order in the comments.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

No Shame Iowa City 9-17-09

The order was in my purse the whole time. Jagoff me!

Order in comments.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

IC Order 9/11 2009

Hey hey hey!
Thanks for everybody who came and performed! We had a great turnout and a pretty cool show. I hope it keeps up.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

IC Order 9/4 2009


We had a show.

It was a free show.

It was fun.

Order in the "Comments" tab on the bottom right.

Comment away. Review the show.

Hope to see you next week.


Friday, September 04, 2009

New Season of No Shame!

The new season of No Shame Theatre in Iowa City starts TONIGHT! Theatre Bldg, Theatre B, 11 pm. You know this.

HOWEVER. Tonight we are not taking our usual $1 admission, we're holding a special NEW SEASON PREMIERE (YOU WANT TO BE HERE) "Spare Change Night" where we will be gladly taking donations from you - or not, it's your choice. Because we are so nice. If you like the show, why not drop some change our way.

(next week tho we will want a dollar thx)

Be here or be squere! Bring your friends!

Show order coming, I suppose, after the show happens.
