Saturday, October 25, 2008

Iowa City No Shame 10-24-08

Announcements: Dick Roberts got published, Halloween party at Theresa's house, and Eric Jesteadt says there will be jazz stuff at The Mill. Also I think John Bates said something. Ask them for the deets.

As well as: there will not be a No Shame next week, as next Friday is Halloween. We are sorry, but we weren't expecting a big turnout as we figured people would be doing their own things on Halloween, so we'll be back on Nov. 7.


Saturday, October 18, 2008

No Shame Iowa City 10-17-08

Skits! Songs! Monologues! A show went on. For to go to the comments is the order is.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

No Shame Iowa City 10/10/08

We had another show. New people came and performed, and things were read and sung. Discuss. Order in comments.


Sunday, October 05, 2008

No Shame Iowa City 10/3/08

We had a show. Order in the comments.
