Iowa City Order 2-24
1) "It's Fun to Trick When the Tricks are Treats" by Katy Baggs (a dude puts a lady's underwear in the shower head; a lady puts candy in a dude's giggles)
2) "Halftime" by Flabbergasted Jakers (Jakers blows our minds with his observations on the length of halftime)
3) "E" by Brian Lenth (Lumo is doing a crossword puzzle. TBone tells him there are 61 "E"s in the word "discreet." Jakers plays the trombone wa-waaaaa
4) "Fuck The Fourth Wall" by Nick May (at great, confusing length Nick talks about his piece from last week)
5) "High Tea With Bill Murray" by Alyssa Bowman (a fellow lives with his mom, Bill Murray, and two dinosaurs)
6) "Lick Bush And Eat Rice" by Dick Roberts (song parodies)
7) "A Farewell Letter" by Evan Schenck (a guy is leaving and wrote a letter about how he hates you and always really did)
8) "Mad Club" by Eli Wilkinson (Mad Club's integrity is compromised when a lady joins the club and people are happy about it.)
9) "I'm A Noodle Guy" by Michael Tabor (Bobby Evers performs a monologue about how there are so many different types of noodles)
10) "I Think This Might Be The Scariest Thing I've Ever Done" by Zwephany Dell (Ashcraft performs a monologue about a school dance. Discusses the cliques present)
11) "I Will Date You On The Internet: 5 Scenes From Week 2" by Adam Hahn (Adam and some dudes discuss fear, internet dating, women's self image, bingo)
12) "Aprille's Humiliating No Shame Archives, 2000" by Aprille Clarke (Aprille re-performs an old piece about the Christian Children's relief fund. Hahn interrupts frequently to point out the bad parts)
13) "Impolite" by Bobby Evers (people won't leave their table at the Java House)
14) "Such A Disappointment" by Sadie Smith (Spats, meets herself as a young girl. Young Sadie is disappointed in how she turned out. Spats seems to feel older and wiser than Young Sadie)
15) "What The Smooshy Face Is Wrong With You" by Sean Shatto (The Shat says some weird things about his weird ideas.)
16) "Corduroy sunburn, Part Intermission (Part 2) : Because I Don't Like The Way Y'all'ree Looking' at Me 'And Now Heres's Something We Hope You'll Really Like...'" by Cool Jesse and if you laugh like you're on the inside, he'll cut you like a minority! (Batman wants an abortion and also pokes a dead cat with a dead stick)