Saturday, March 03, 2012

NO SHAME 3/2/2012

We had our first show in March/last show before spring break, and I thought it was pretty fantastic. Order in the comments.


Blogger Morgan Miller said...

1. A No Shame Radio Promo - Mr. McIntyre

Bryan mocks Sean, Craig, and Noah's radio show, No Shame Radio, Friday's from 2-4PM on KRUI's the lab. Check it out.

2. What Love Does To You - Sasha
4 types of love demonstrated by Ariel, Matt, and Sasha. Essentially, it's just awful.

2.5. Character Development - Tinkerbell
TInk's a Fairy, Pan's a man.

3. The Chase - Ladders
An anonymous poem.

4. My First Legal Alcoholic Drink - Jesse
White Russian. Moral of the story, don't drink Vodka if you don't like it.

4.5. Character Conflict - Tinkerbell
Allegations of manliness/fairyness.

5. Law And Order Monologue - Jon Chown
Jon talks to a cop, who is actually an actor on set. A woman has a face like a toilet seat.

6. Believe Responsibly - Morgan Miller
Contracept yourself before you wreck yourself.

6.5. Jellyfish - Tinkerbell
Why you shouldn't be mean to Captain Hook.

7. So I Hear You're Having Sex With the Daughter of the Dean of the University of Chicago - Asher Stuhlman
Sex is fine, sex with the Daughter of the Dean of the University of Chicago is also fine, some other crazy things are not.

8. A Kiss - Taylor
Rai reads the story of a sneak attack kiss.

9. A Public Service Announcement - Dog Killer, M.D.
Another anonymous piece.

10. Twelve Absurd Questions Asked in the Textbook "The Complete Guide To Walking" - Tia and Asher
Walking should not be this complicated.

11. Welcome to Hell, Bryan - Craig
Craig's Asian jokes aren't cutting it, so he decides torture is the next best option, mam-on-man kissing and a cream pie to the face result.

3/03/2012 2:42 PM  
Anonymous Wagnerppmq said...

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11/10/2012 11:22 PM  

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