Saturday, October 16, 2010

No Shame Iowa City 10/15/10

Order in the comments, folks! Keep coming and keep writing.


Blogger Katy Baggs said...

Here's tonight's show, not completely in the order it happened, perhaps, but here's what went down:

1. Poetry by Katie Monger, performed by Olivia Symmonds

"Con My Festering Wounds," "Play Date," "Yes," "I Took Your Sweater with Me."

2. Two Sailors and a Hull Breach by Tyler Francis Everett

God saves two sailors, one gets pissed because he hates deus ex machina.

3. Counting by Asher Stuhlman

12...12...12...What are you counting?...13...13...13...

4. Attempt #3 by Alaynna

Alaynna talks about fucking, and how sometimes it is like being different animals. What do you do with your arms?

5. Facebook Message by David Rout

Raymond wants David to friend him really, really bad. His mom is dead and he doesn't think Mom loves him as much anymore.

6. Frozen Carcasses by Kjai

7. Wubba Wubba Wub by Steve Reich


7.5. Asher's secret piece, don't tell anyone

8. Dear People Who Keep Calling My Phone by Evan Schenck

Evan gets wrong numbers a lot. He's not Cheryl and he will never be Cheryl.

9. The Wedding Night by Penny

A newlywed couple tries to consummate their union but the bride keeps violently vomiting.

That's the show! I got every piece, right?

10/16/2010 12:30 AM  
Blogger David Rout said...

1) Best Of! I really liked hearing the first and last one, wished I could have read the second one on paper.

2) I was in this!

3) Classic!

4) Classic material for a stand-up comedian!

5) I tried best I could to read this as it was written. I think I succeeded.

6) He really beat to death and drove home the same descriptors!

7) This was hilarious, and I'm glad SOMEBODY onstage cracked.

7.5) The "That is all" was so dismissive it made me laugh.

8) This has inspired me to write a piece for next week! Evan, I'll need your help with this one.

9) I felt like this one didn't fit the medium. The actors weren't comfortable enough with each other for it to work, I think.

10/16/2010 12:45 AM  
Blogger David Rout said...

An announcement:
I'm serious about putting together a serial for No Shame. It'll be flexible, with a suspended hook, but here's what I want from interested actors: some dedication to a character, making these pieces feel as "real" as possible. That is my main concern, making the characters feel and interact like people.

I also require some dedication to No Shame itself, in that I expect you to be to a majority of them. We don't have to do it every night, but I'd like it to be damn near close.

The series, as is, can go on indefinitely, but I'd like to have it finished by the end of Spring semester. If you aren't going to be here then, don't worry, I can still use you. That's not an issue.

My email is, or you can hit me up on Facebook. I might make a group for this, if I get enough people. Thank you for reading this, putting up with me, yadda yadda yadda.

10/16/2010 1:01 AM  
Anonymous Asher said...

1. Interesting pieces. I wish I could remember them in some detail so I could give a good reply.

2. Nice gag. The deus ex machina could've been more subtle, but the execution was good.

3. 14... 14... 14...

4. The dollar part couldn't havevid been better if it were scripted.
Also: on video!

5. I love "found plays".

6. This was well-written, and had me laughing the whole time through.

7. I was sneaking up to the catwalk during this piece and had to try my hardest to suppress my giggling.

8. This was made funnier by the fact that I know someone named Cheryl.

9. Hey, don't make fun of people who vomit when they orgasm!

10/16/2010 12:24 PM  
Anonymous Asher said...

Oh, "Commercial" wasn't in Katy's order. Which is a shame; I thought it was pretty good.

10/16/2010 4:36 PM  
Blogger Katy Baggs said...

DAMN IT! I thought I was missing something. Yes, "COMMERCIAL" was also in the order, the piece about how important your hands are. Think about all the important uses your hands have! Potential! Future! Hand sex! As performed by Alaynna and her guy pal. Next month: feet!

10/16/2010 9:23 PM  
Anonymous Asher said...

Oh, also: I think "Wubba Wubba Wubba" needs to be in best-of, with a cast starting at 4 people, with more and more people slowly coming in from offstage until you get 10 or 12.

10/19/2010 11:42 PM  

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