Friday, October 23, 2009

No Shame Iowa City 10-23-09

Order! Shortish show, but fun. Remember, don't come next week, it's a holiday weekend and there's no show. But keep coming after thatSWHATSHESAID okay!!!

1. The Haunted Mansion - Eric Jesteadt and Asher Stuhlman

2. How to Overcome One's Irrational Fears of Clowns and Statues: The Wrong Way - Morgan Miller

3. A Final Fantasy VII Fanfiction - Chicken and Biscuits, age 17

4. The Triple Bees - Sven, Jacob, and Logan

5. Cammy Stamina and Dinah Honeythousand in the Agony Desert - Katy Baggs

6. A Highly Generalized, Mostly True Account of the Hundred Years War - Spencer Abbe

7. Straitjacket - James S. Roth

8. An Online Dating Profile That I Filled Out By Doing MadLibs - Penny

See you all in two weeks!


Blogger Asher said...

The Haunted Mansion - I wrote and acted in this one. The piece felt like it was missing something in delivery, but I can't tell what.

Clowns and Statues - This was rather amusing.

FFVII Fanfic - This was completely spot-on. There are real fanfics like this!

The Triple Bs - I liked this piece a lot. It moved quickly enough that its surrealism wasn't clear except in retrospect.

Cammy Stamina - Pretty good. The piece flowed well; the ending seemed a bit weak but the piece was cohesive.

Hundred Years War - I can't comment on this one.

Straitjacket - Nicely done.

Online Dating Profile - It seems more like it was filled out by replacing words with sexual phrases. Which still isn't bad.

10/24/2009 11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Triple Bs- these guys need to come back. They were by far the best show of the night.

10/28/2009 11:11 AM  
Blogger Matt M said...

Hey, I know it's a long shot but will there be a show on Friday night 11/27? I'm an alum from the late '90s, and I'd love to come back and do a short piece when I'm visiting friends for the T-day holiday. Thanks.

11/02/2009 12:31 AM  
Blogger Eli said...

Hey Matt,

Sorry for the delay. There will be no show during thanksgiving break. Sorry. There just aren't enough people in town during breaks.

11/07/2009 2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Order for 11/6?

11/09/2009 8:52 AM  
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11/09/2009 12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't need Viagra if I could get the order for last week's show.

11/09/2009 7:37 PM  
Blogger Eli said...

Hold your horses. Sheesh. We board members have lives outside of No Shame...

11/10/2009 12:50 AM  

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