Monday, October 19, 2009

No Shame Iowa City 10/16/2009


We had a show. It was a good turnout. People should bring in pieces. Let's fill the order this week!

The Order is in the "Comments" section. Feel free to comment and review the show.

Also! A reminder that there will not be a show on October 30th. So go out and have some fun. Eat some candy. Keep rockin' in the free world.


Blogger Eli said...

The Order:

1) Another Tall Tale -Spencer Abbe
2) Magic Tricks for Blind People - Asher Stuhlman
3) An Everyday Conversation -The Anonymous Cliche (who may or may not be Eli)
4) $.97 - A. Theresa
5) Seven Years Blind - Arlen Lawson
6) David Bowie's Summer House is Definitely Not Here -Kevin Artigue
7) A Dance Party -The Lord of the Dancing Flies
8) Flight 252 - Kjai and Soren
9) The Exact Words President Barrack Obama Said to a 10-year-old boy at a Twon Hall Even in New Orleans, Delivered in Antagonistic manner -Asher Stuhlman
11) The Great Master - Evan Schenck

10/19/2009 5:42 PM  
Blogger Eli said...

A Review because I am bored.

1) Another Tall Tale -Spencer Abbe

-This one wasn't as good as last weeks but it was still pretty funny. The idea of hunting in ones own beard was fantastic.

2) Magic Tricks for Blind People - Asher Stuhlman

-Problem with this piece is that no one remembers titles and didn't get it. Sunglasses for the blind character (off book as well) would have made it much funnier.

3) An Everyday Conversation -The Anonymous Cliche (who may or may not be Eli)

-This was basically a common conversation between me and Jon Shelton when we are in public. Thought Kjai and Luke performed it really well.

4) $.97 - A. Theresa

-My wife can really put away the marshmallows!

5) Seven Years Blind - Arlen Lawson

-I liked this a lot. But I usually like Arlen's pieces. This piece really mixed things up as far as the shows comedy / serious balance goes. Which helped.

6) David Bowie's Summer House is Definitely Not Here -Kevin Artigue

-I liked it. But it is always hard to perform a piece that is left in the mailbox. Pieces like that are usually the coldest of cold reads. Which showed.

7) A Dance Party -The Lord of the Dancing Flies

-He he. This was also me. I told Spencer to go off book so some things were lost. Like originally Eric coming on stage was supposed to be one of those fake out "did he just interupt that piece" moments but the ending worked well. Also sorry again Katy for not giving you the right cue!

8) Flight 252 - Kjai and Soren

-This was pretty good. The three of them mix well.

9) The Exact Words President Barrack Obama Said to a 10-year-old boy at a Twon Hall Even in New Orleans, Delivered in Antagonistic manner -Asher Stuhlman

- I honestly don't remember this piece.Sorry.

11) The Great Master - Evan Schenck

-I like these kind of Evan pieces. It was also good for him to cast a new performer instead of doing both parts himself.

10/19/2009 7:03 PM  
Blogger Asher said...

#7 this week was the most amazing thing I've seen at No Shame so far.

10/21/2009 9:26 AM  

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