Saturday, October 28, 2006

Iowa City, October 27, 2006

There was a show. I got cake!


Saturday, October 21, 2006

IC, Oct 20, 2006

Who has the order?


Monday, October 09, 2006

Week Without Shame Orders and Reviews

Orders will be posted every night in the comments to this post. Review!

Week Without Shame Fun and Games

If you have anything to say that doesn't directly relate to the shows, say it in the comments to this post.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

NSIC Oct 6: One-Minute Piece Night

We're doing a special theme night this Friday.

You can have your work in the show one of two ways:
1. Bring as many as TWO pieces, each ONE MINUTE or under. The time limit on these pieces will be strictly enforced. Make 'em fast, and make 'em fun.
2. (the regular old boring way) Bring ONE piece, five minutes or under, just like always.

If EVERYONE participates, we'll have 30 pieces, twice as many performances as a regular show in half the time.

Tell your friends.


Monday, October 02, 2006


This is our preliminary list of pieces for BOBONS 2006, pending confirmation from authors. I'll continue to edit this post as the list is finalized.

The Best Of The Best Of No Shame, 2006, Oct. 14 at 8 PM in Theatre B
-1. The No Shame Theatre Song, presented by NSLA
0. The Order, Read by Everyone in Attendance Who Has Ever Hosted a No Shame Anywhere, SO FAST!
(the rest are unordered)
-"The Hilarious Mexico Sketch" by James Erwin (IC, 2002)
-"Freudian Camisole " by Carolyn Space Jacobson (IC, 1996)
-"I Love Almost Everybody…Except Roy Orbitson or Michael’s Done It Again: Death Count: 38" by Michael Tabor (IC, 2002)
"The Harrowing Adventures and Narrow Escapes of Nick Price, Photobooth Detective" by John Smick, Brooks Peck, and Josh Peskay (IC, 1995)
-"$80 a Week" by Todd Ristau (IC, 1990)
-"Imitation of Art" by Luke Pingel (Cedar Falls, 2003)
-"Seven Minutes in Heaven" by Patrick Ashcraft (IC, 2005)
-"Ay Papi!" by JoAnne Butcher and the Miami No Shame Players (Miami, 1994)
-"A Hilarious Prank" by Lilly Richard (Yes Shame, 2006)
-"Bones" by Jamal King Toad River (IC, 2001)
-"Hand in Hand" by Laura Tuggle Anderson (Roanoke, 2006)
-"Prepubescent Expression" by Megan Gogerty (IC, 1995-1996)
-"How to Make A Milkshake Machine Run" by Jonathon Shelton (IC, 2005)
-A White Cat/Math Teacher piece (IC)
-"Julio" by Scott Smith (IC, 1990-1991)
-"Workaday #5: Fart Machine" by Adam Hahn (IC, 2004)
-"Waiting for Godot to Leave" by Larry Pontius, Ben Schmidt, Stephanie Frey, and JP Clausen (IC, 1992-1993)
-"Separate the Man From His Head" by Michael Rothschild (Los Angeles, 2002)
-"All By Myself" by Brian Rochlin (Los Angeles, 2002)
-"It's Fun to Trick When the Tricks Are Treats" by Katy Baggs (IC, 2006)
-"Best of Actual Questions from a Sex-Ed Website with Hilarious Answers" by Aprille Clarke (IC, 2004-2005)
-"Mariachi Nightmare" by Al Angel (IC, 2003)
-"Tea Bags are about 100% THC" by Alyssa Bowman (IC, 2002)
-"Faithless: A Reaction to Neil LaBute's 'A Gaggle of Saints'" by Chris Okiishi (IC, 2000)
-"This Is Every Piece I've Ever Written" by Jeff Goode (1986-2006)

The poster:
RSVP list:
List of events:
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